Meet Tiffany

About the Author

From a young girl fighting for her life to a woman raising the bar for safe cosmetics, Tiffany Andersen has turned tragedy into triumph and is on a mission to inspire others and share her story of hope, love, and faith.

Tiffany Andersen, a native of Southern California, courageously overcame a traumatic car accident at fifteen that left her nearly paralyzed, fighting for her life, and requiring years of recovery. Her true tragedy-to-triumph story has inspired many and garnered a growing audience.

Focusing all her efforts on rebuilding a new life—physically, emotionally, and mentally—Tiffany started her career in the beauty industry. At the same time, she was committed to gaining a greater understanding of how to rebuild the body through health and fitness. Having become a clinical aesthetician at the age of twenty-one, she built a successful day spa, Château de la Beauté, which she owned and operated for seven years. Driven by a passion to inspire others, Tiffany then embarked on writing her memoir, Finding Faith.

The success of Tiffany’s day spa and completion of her memoir came to an abrupt halt when, at the age of thirty-four, she was diagnosed with stage IV non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, forcing her once again to fight for her life. Using alternative therapies along with radical chemotherapy and radiation, Tiffany became determined to fully restore her body. Upon her recovery, Tiffany and her husband, Anthony, developed an unwavering passion to find new ways to repair the body. Following yet another tragedy—losing her mother to cancer at the young age of fifty-four—Tiffany grew more committed than ever to her mission of finding healing in the natural world. She knew the truth was available to all but unknown to many and felt called to change that.

Having earned a bachelor’s degree in holistic health through the Global College of Natural Health in Santa Cruz, California, Tiffany channeled renewed energy into her desire to share her newfound wisdom and experiences. She returned to the writing and completion of her memoir, Finding Faith, and this time she had an even greater story to tell. In 2014, Finding Faith was honored for Best Autobiography through Xulon Press, the largest Christian publishing house in the nation.

Using the same tenacity, Tiffany then focused her efforts on developing results-driven and clinically proven skincare products. Her products (Now Clean Cosmeceuticals) quickly gained notoriety from CBS’ “The Doctors,” celebrity guru Kym Douglass on “Hallmark Home and Family,” and multiple publications including the LA Times, Malibu Times and Cosmetic World. Tiffany’s success has attracted industry leaders, including doctors, clinical pharmacists, biochemists and Fortune 500 Company executives.


Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I have always had a passion for writing but never thought it would amount to anything of importance. I started this process not with the idea of creating a book but as a way to release the pain I had been holding on to for too long. I believe writing is one of the best therapies. I highly recommend that anyone who struggles with anger or depression take a writing class as a way to get their feelings on paper instead of letting those feelings to burn a hole in their soul. Negative energy is linked to disease, and instead of holding it in, the only way to truly be free of the pain is to release it. I find writing to be a form of letting go and finding peace.

Who is your agent publisher?

I currently do not have an agent. Because I wrote this book with the simple intention of sharing it with others—not making money—I self-published with Hard Way Press and left the rest in God’s hands. He can do what He wants with it—Jesus is my agent.  I love giving this book to others to enjoy; it’s a way of paying my blessings forward.

What inspires you?

I am deeply inspired by the stories of people who have also overcome difficult challenges. Of course I can relate to them, but more importantly they inspire me to continue to face my own struggles and never give up. If you look hard enough you can find beauty in many of life’s most difficult challenges. My hope is to pass on some of the beauty I have found through my own catastrophic life events.

What music was in the Chateau la Tiffe mix?

One might think I would be a “holy-roller” and listen only to Christian rock, like Third Day: “I Need a Miracle,” “Call My Name,” “Soul On Fire,” and “Your Words; Peter Furler;  Manifest: “Diamonds” and “I’m Alive;” Skillet: “I’m Awake and Not Gonna Die Tonight;” and Switchfoot: “Meant to Live.”  While I find Christian rock to be very inspiring, I have lived a very colorful life and have also enjoyed all kinds of music. My brother captured some of this music, making a mix for me called Chateau la Tiffie. This soundtrack seems to tell the story of the first half of my life featuring The Flys: “Got You (Where I Want You);” The Verve: “Bitter Sweet Symphony;” The Cult: “Painted On My Heart;” The Deftones: “No Ordinary Love” and “Change;” Duran Duran: “The Chauffeur;” Staind: “It’s Been Awhile;” Moby & Gwen Stefani: “South Side;” and Fun Lovin’ Criminals: “Microphone Fiend.”  You can be inspired by anything if you relate to it.

Did you take writing classes to become a writer?

I took a very basic online course and found it helpful in outlining what makes for a great book. After the course, it became clear that I had plenty of material for a book. However, it wasn’t until I actually began writing for “therapy” that the real book began.

Do you really believe in angels and demons?

Yes, I believe without a shadow of doubt that this world isn’t all there is. I have documented experiences which many might be able to relate to—experiences with both the Light of God and the dark energies that haunt us in the night.

Do the various religious references in your book reflect your own religious views?

My own religious beliefs are never hidden from anyone. I respect all religions and am not here to convict anyone for their beliefs, nor do I want others to think less of me because I love Jesus with all my heart. My walk of faith led me down a path that pulled me from darkness into such beauty and light that I felt compelled to share it with others. I am not a perfect Christian and do not profess to be. However, I do love God and am willing to step out in faith to share my testimony in hopes that those who might need it may also find peace.

Are the places and people in the book real?

Yes, everything in the book is 100 percent true, but many of the names have been changed to protect people’s privacy. I did not write this book to sling mud at others. I wrote it with as much detail as I could without disrespecting those who are part of the story. The book was a great source of healing for me and underwent a few hundred drafts before I was able to publish something that I felt good about and believed that God would honor.

How long did it take you to write this book?

This book is truly a life story, so writing it has been more like journaling through the years. It spans a period of twenty years of my life and took me ten years overall to complete.

I found a typo in your book!

While I strive to eliminate typos and errors, I have been told by multiple best-selling authors that it is nearly impossible to have a perfect book without any typos. I know my book is not perfect—much like myself—and thank God Jesus died for my imperfections. This knowledge helps me realize that God can use this story, even with its flaws, and not to beat myself up too much over any mistakes. That said, if you should find typos, please do share with me in an e-mail to

Whom do we contact for interviews?

Please email to request interviews and/or information relating to the book or my companies. My public relations representative, Miyoshi Rheberg, will be happy to assist and coordinate.