Amazon Best Seller

365 Moments of Grace

Tiffany Andersen was a contributing author to 365 Moments of Grace, a soul-inspiring collaboration of over 250 authors. This heartwarming book became an international best seller within twenty-four hours of release on, the largest online book retailer in the world.

In this book, over 250 beautiful souls—including the book’s creators and bestselling authors, Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck—share very personal moments of grace from their lives. Their hope is to inspire you to find the grace in your own life.

The 365 moments of grace include:

  • Near-death experiences
  • Healing from illness
  • Signs from beyond
  • And much more!
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One of Tiffany’s pieces received a special excerpt in the book:

Editors’ note: We arrange the pieces without dates based on what we think will create a nice flow. Imagine our pleasant surprise when we reviewed the final proof and saw that this piece ‘Awakenings’ written by Tiffany Andersen, based on Ephesians 5:14 ‘randomly’ appeared on 5/14!

Review from the Editor


Thank you for being part of this book and for sharing your beautiful work with us! I’m so grateful that I get to read your inspiring words and also play a role in sharing them with the world!

What amazing pieces you share – true testament of the power of faith to work miracles in our lives. ‘What is a Miracle’ offers an amazing first-hand example of the literal healing power of faith, even under the most extreme circumstances. ‘Awakenings’ shares a message that is so powerful that it definitely transcends the realm of mere ‘coincidence’ in reaching you two days in a row … when you were open to receive it. I’m sure that this will be the message that so many of your readers will be waiting to receive as well! And what a double miracle you experienced by surviving your car crash (including use of your legs and a high quality of life) and then, twenty-five years later, being able to deliver one of the most important messages anyone can receive. Thank you. Your work lives on in the lives of everyone you have ever touched. Beautiful and a goose-bump moment for both of us to read.

Again, great job. I’m delighted to have you in this book/community, and I look forward to more connections in the future. Thank you again for bringing your light and grace to this project.

Grace and Blessings,

Jodie Chapman & Dan Teck”

Jodi & Dan are the husband-and-wife team behind the bestselling Soulful Journals Series and 365 Book Series: all collaborative books with soul.

365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments That Changed Everything

Tiffany Andersen was a contributing author to 365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments That Changed Everything, volume 3 of the popular 365 Book Series.

Every so often, we have an experience that alters the course of our lives and changes who we are forever. Sometimes these moments fill us with rapture and flood us with insight. Other times they are blessings in disguise that don’t reveal their treasure until years later. However they show up, these moments can inspire us to live richer, deeper, and more authentically soulful lives.

365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments That Changed Everything contains 365 personal stories (from over 250 contributing authors) of such life-changing moments – experiences that inspired, uplifted, shook us to our core, got us back on track (or onto a new track altogether), and led us toward our true selves.

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